You can become a Scout from the age of 10 and stay until to you are 14, before moving to Explorer Scouts. We run two separate troops to cater for young people in both Thaxted and surrounding villages, including Wimbish and Debden. Thaxted Scouts meet on Friday evenings 7pm-9pm.

Scouts are easily recognised in their distinctive green shirts. All young people who are part of 1st Thaxted-Carver Scout Group are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme, including traditional Scouting skills such as camping, survival and cooking, as well as a wider spectrum of adventurous activities, from paddleboarding to expeditions.

Participation rather than meeting set standards is the key approach, and there
are a number of Challenges awards and activity badges that Scouts can gain during their time in the section to recognise their achievements.

Scouts aim to build and develop young people’s confidence, sense of adventure and outdoor skills, as well as encouraging them to explore their beliefs and attitudes and be creative. It offers them the independence to put these skills into practice at camps and trips away.
Being outdoors is important and half the Programme is given over to taking part in both the traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking as well as the wide range of adventurous activities, anything from kayaking to hiking and bike riding.

We run an annual week-long camp where the scouts travel further afield to places such as Wales and Cumbria, where the week consists of traditional scouting camping skills such as lighting fires, building hammocks, and using Scouts survival skills learned.
Most Scouts move up from our two Cub Packs, although if you are new to Scouting you can still join us.

We are always looking for parent help on evenings and activities so if you would like to get involved as a helper or even becoming a Leader then please get in touch online or speak to Rory or Steve.

But Where Do We Put Our Badges?

What Have We Got Planned?

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