There are lots of ways you can get involved with Scouts as a parent, carer or family member. From helping out occasionally on a rota or playing a vital role behind the scenes, to stepping up as a leader, our volunteering activities are as varied as you.

We’re talking tidy uppers and tea makers, session planners and Zoom navigators, fundraisers and treasurers, and all round team players to support our young people.
The good news is you shape what you do and the time you have to give. Scouts happens when a lot of us give a little (and no, you don’t have to be a Scout or outdoors expert to volunteer).

What to expect:
- A warm welcome
- Flexibility to get involved in a way that works for you
- Easy access to training and resources online
- Friendly ongoing support from local volunteers
No two weeks are the same, but the impact you make is always great.
Make a difference, volunteer today.